Wednesday 20 December 2017

Darth Maul/Seventh Sister Inquisitor 3.75" 2-pack

Darth Maul (or rather his double bladed lightsaber) was the coolest part of "The Phantom Menace" despite barely speaking. The Clone Wars series did much to redeem aspects of the prequels and Darth Maul was one who was redeemed. He reappeared in season two of "Rebels" where he attempted to lure a naive Ezra Bridger toward the Dark Side and he also battled the Seventh Sister Inquisitor (voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar opposite her husband Freddie Prinze Jr. as Kanan Jarrus). If I recall correctly the Grand Inquisitor was the only member of that order we saw in season 1 of "Rebels" and so it was fun to see some more Inquisitors in season 2. Their spinning double bladed lightsabers that somehow worked as helicopters were awesome and goofy at the same time.

Darth Maul
Still got them crazy eyes!

Nice clean paint job. The intricacy of this design had me expecting more sloppy lines.

New robo-legs that look humanoid rather than terrifying.

The spikes are understandably not so spiky.

Hooded to through a smidgen of doubt on his identity. (I wasn't fooled ;) )

New lightsaber for a new era.

When he first meets Ezra he's disguised this as a walking stick.

Maul revealed!

Maybe hatred is the secret to great abs?

Seventh Sister

Her helmet is just kind of bizarre.

Seeker Droid backpack.

Spooky face mask, kind of crooked.


Droids away!

In the show she has like a swarm of these.

Spinning blade of somehow flying

The handle is a big large for her hand, doesn't stay very securely.

Obligatory Accessories
Because toys are for kids we get a zany missile backpack for Darth Maul.

"Say hello to Qui-Gon for me"

Just a wee bit unstable, so I had to use a tamashii stand claw for support.

Ready for launch!

Lightsaber beats missile? Makes as much sense as paper beats rock.

Anonymous Evil...

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