Friday 13 May 2016

David's Tea Pure Vida Green Tea (Iced)

Another of the iced tea packs; David's Tea Pure Vida is a blend of pineapple, green tea, apple, coconut, mango, chamomile, and natural flavouring.

Iced tea round two is even better than round one. Pineapple, coconut, and mango are much more my jam. The tropical fruit flavours blend nicely with the green tea and chamomile.  I think this tea would be just as good hot as it was iced. The sweetness is well balanced with the bitterness of the green tea and the floral notes of the chamomile.

Not much else to say, this was very refreshing.

Highly Recommended.

For more info follow the link:

Wednesday 11 May 2016

David's Tea Luscious Watermelon Fruit Infusion (Iced)

Last time we were at David's Tea we bought some little bags of tea marketed as the perfect portions for making iced tea. Since we bought an iced tea pitcher last summer we thought it was time to bust it out again.

Luscious Watermelon has apple, carrot, watermelon, wild strawberry leaves, honeydew melon (honeydew melon, sugar), beetroot, and artificial watermelon flavouring.  It's a great refreshing iced tea and I don't think it would work as a hot tea very well.  The watermelon flavour predominates and is sweet but not too sweet. I'm not a huge watermelon fan, especially in non-watermelon form, but this works nicely. The carrot flavour sneaks in on the finish while the beetroot mostly gives it colour and sweetness.

This is a great refreshing iced treat for sipping on a hot afternoon in the sun.

For more info follow the links:

Tuesday 10 May 2016

David's Tea Organic Egyptian Chamomile Herbal Infusion

I'm feeling a little under the weather this week so what better way to chase the sniffles away than by enjoying a nice hot cup of chamomile tea.  Only one ingredient here: Egyptian chamomile, dried little daisy-like flowers that are delicious.  The tea has a brighter yellow colour than other chamomiles I've tried and the flavour is smooth and gentle. It's a great contrast to the raucous and ferocious Kamen Rider Amazons episode I'm watching.

Sunday 1 May 2016

David's Tea Raspberry Cream Pie Rooibos

David's Tea Raspberry Cream Pie Rooibos contains a flavour notoriously difficult to mimic: raspberries.  Luckily they actually seem to include real raspberry in the mix and not just the raspberry flavouring options out there. There are a few options for getting things to taste like raspberries and without going into a huge amount of detail on the chemistry some of those options just taste and smell awful to me. Will Raspberry Cream Pie Rooibos suffer this fate? Read on brave audience!