Tuesday 10 May 2016

David's Tea Organic Egyptian Chamomile Herbal Infusion

I'm feeling a little under the weather this week so what better way to chase the sniffles away than by enjoying a nice hot cup of chamomile tea.  Only one ingredient here: Egyptian chamomile, dried little daisy-like flowers that are delicious.  The tea has a brighter yellow colour than other chamomiles I've tried and the flavour is smooth and gentle. It's a great contrast to the raucous and ferocious Kamen Rider Amazons episode I'm watching.

Amazons is a reimagining/updating of the fourth Kamen Rider series from 1975. The original Amazon show was truncated at 24 episodes after being labelled too violent and bloody.  This modern version embraces that legacy and is marketed to an older audience than the regular Kamen Rider shows. It's gritty and violent but also retains the inherent ridiculousness of tokusatsu superhero frenzy.
Modern Bloodspurt

Old School Gore

So that was an atypically media heavy digression. Back to the tea! David's Tea Egyptian Chamomile is a perfect soothing, relaxing tisane with a light floral bouquet that helps tension melt away.
Highly Recommended.

For more info follow the link:https://www.davidstea.com/ca_en/egyptian-chamomile

The Kids in the Hall show us how to order chamomile tea:

1 comment:

  1. With that long name it sounded horrible and like it was made of mummies and herbs. Your description makes it actually sound lovely.


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