Wednesday 24 May 2017

Kre-O Decepticon Piranacon (Micro-Changer Combiner)


As I was finishing up the posts on the G1 Seacons I remembered that in a time of Transformers scarcity I got really into Kre-O (Hasbro's attempt to compete with LEGO). The coolest parts of the Kre-O line were the "micro-changer"figures (called Kreons) and before the Combiner Wars was the best way to get versions of classic G1 combiners. This Piranacon has more articulation than his Grandpappy but is made up of fewer Cybertronians. Alas poor Skalor...

Jump to: Snaptrap · Nautilator · Tentakil · Overbite · Piranacon

First up Seawing: He did not come with the combiner set and was an individual blind bag release. In more creative moments one could find a way to incorporate Seawing into the Kreon Piranacon but this wasn't one of those moments for me.

Soul patch under the helmet. Dyno-MITE!

With G1 Seawing in both modes


Unhappy because his sword is on fire now.

Totally a turtle. Totally.

I'll stop making that joke because it gets old VERY quickly when talkin' 'bout Kreons

Distinct lack of butt blades.


I think I have a back problem...

Also I'm missing some legs.

"If looks could kill"

Or should I say if looks could "krill"

Squid? or Facehugger from Alien


Now his name is even more descriptive

Not hearing the "Jaws" theme in my head.

Steampunk Piranacon?

 Not the best idea for sea creatures probably...

...But they're robots so wharves.

He's so teeny tiny...


  1. digging the jump to

    also the photos

    also the captions

    1. Thanks! The "jump to" is a neat bit of HTML I actually learned and I'll use it where appropriate. I'm trying to add more captions.


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