Sunday 15 July 2018

Elita-1 Voyager Class Figure (Power of the Primes)

As a nerd with collection sensibilities I generally like to impose some sort of order to what I do on this blog even if occasionally that system is just doing something different for variety's sake. I have been a little all over the place when it comes to posts about Transformers but the majority have been about the "Titans Return" phase of the Transformers Generations line because that's what was on the shelves when I started. And while I've hopped back to figures from other times I kind of had it in my brain that I was going to be roughly chronological with any new purchases and thus the latest "Power of the Primes" phase would not get blog attention for a while. But then Hasbro decided to lean even harder into the nostalgia factor (which Transformers Generations has been built upon since it launched in 2010) by using a bunch of foil stickers on the larger figures. As a child in the eighties and nineties I remember the sticker sheets that would come with various toys and how frustrating it could be to place the stickers in the right spots. So on the one hand I'm glad the stickers came pre-applied on the other hand they are stickers whose corners have a tendency to peel in certain areas, especially on Transformers. So I had noticed that Elita-1's stickers were just starting to have this problem and I felt better get pictures of her now before the stickers get any worse.

Robot Mode (Vehicle Mode) (Torso Mode)

Pew! Pew! Her tiny guns are direct outta G1 when she was much daintier.

Now she kicks even more butt!

These heels were made for stompin'

Armour that totally looks like feet.

Autobot Enigma of Combination

Jet Mode:

"I'm a jet"

"In case anyone forgets my name I have it in several places."

"Ooo... Shiny..."

Very robot-y underside.

Torso Mode:

Her combined mode name is unfortunately "Elita-Infin1te"

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