Tuesday 14 November 2017

Valkyrie (Marvel Infinite Series 3.75")

I'm still on a Thor kick after seeing "Thor: Ragnarok" so here's a character who was actually in the movie (sort of).

Valkyrie is best known as a member of the Defenders (a team I enjoy for sure) but I was inspired to grab this figure as part of the first roster of Secret Avengers from Ed Brubaker's and Mike Deodato's initial run back in 2010. She's sometimes a Valkyrie of legend possessing a human with an estranged husband but sometimes not. Maybe? I haven't kept up with her current continuity. This is a serviceable figure but has the scrawniness problem many female action figures suffer from. Her sword also warped pretty easily during my recent move. I tried straightening it out with a modicum of success.

Because the Norse people were known for their dreadlocks.

Because women can't wear belts that fit.

Asgardians have surprisingly similar fashion sense to the Daleks.

The sword does kind of fit in her belt.

The mighty sword Dragonfang!

"I...have the...power!"

"Take that Whirlwind!"

Secret Avenger Pals!

I don't think these two are exactly in the same scale...

...but an Asgardian is likely to be taller than a human, even one in armour.

1 comment:

  1. Nice figure. New tagline though: Asgardians: Daleks in Disguise!


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