Friday 17 November 2017

Thunderstrike (Marvel Infinite Series 3.75")

The final Thor-adjacent post in this run of bonus posts brings us to Eric Masterson's post-Thor superhero identity, Thunderstrike.

Named after the mystic mallet given to him by Odin after the return of the original Thor because Odin is nothing if not fickle. As detailed previous this look just oozes 90's and unfortunately Thunderstrike's career was a short 24 issues and (22 year old spoilers) then he died. He's just the sort of second tier, relatively obscure hero that plucks at my fanboy heartstrings. What's kind of funny is that I only really learned about Eric Masterson as Thunderstrike (as opposed to his turn as Thor) from the introduction of his son Kevin all grown up as a new Thunderstrike in the MC2 universe of Spider-Girl fame. Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz, creators of Eric Masterson, were also the driving force behind much of the MC2 line including A-Next, the next generation of Avengers led by Kevin Masterson's Thunderstrike. He shared his dad's penchant for ponytails but luckily not much else in terms of fashion sense. Kewl.

His hair is thinning more than it seemed in the comics.

Is this just a leather vest or a leather jacket with the sleeves cut off?

I don't even know where boots like these would exist.

Burly man pony.

Thunderstrike the man...

Thunderstrike the mace.

Monogrammed for your protection.

Because chains are gnarly dude.





Extreme posture from an extreme time!

Seriously I don't know why his arms are so weird.

"It's hammer-time!"

"Oh wait, this is a mace..."

Welcome to the gun show.

"Hey past self..."

"...Don't tell me that's what I wear in the future dude..."

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