Sunday 27 May 2018

The Flash 1990 TV Version (DC Multiverse Signature Collection)

John Wesley Shipp played Barry Allen in the 1990 TV series "The Flash." This series is actually pretty fun even with the "darker" influence of Tim Burton's Batman film. This show fell victim to a shifting schedule, bloated budget and was probably a bit ahead of its time. But I have the complete DVD set and this figure just called to me; much more than the modern TV Barry Allen figures ever have.  He comes with a figure stand with an attachable arm for more dynamic posing possibilities, however it's quite springy and wouldn't sit still for many photos. The figure looks great (that paint job!) and has better articulation than regular DC Multiverse figures. A great throwback to an underrated piece of Flash history.

An... interesting interpretation of the classic Flash logo, I still think the circle is a smidge too small and the lightning bolt is definitely too long.  
The darker red and the pattern of the belt are straight from the pages of the then-current Flash comic starring Wally West.

The wings are a bit of an homage to the Golden Age Flash's Mercury/Hermes inspired helmet.

The nose still hasn't really grown on me. It's a subtle "Batmanning" of the costume but just looks off since every other Flash costume doesn't have it.

Date-stamped butt.

"I'll get you Trickster!" 

These are some weirdly posed hands.

Running leap!

Barry Allen: Ballerino

"Oops, I can't fly!"

See No Evil

Hear No Evil

Speak No Evil

I like the cardboard backer but it mucked up the display on my "live action figures" shelf.

In case you forget his name.

All those pegs are removable and do provide some nice alternatives to standard poses.

Rider KICK!

Well his foot doesn't glow or anything but I bet at those speeds it would still explode a guy.

Flash also can't shoot beams of light, despite what you may have seen on the new series.

A decent likeness for John Wesley Shipp (who played Barry's father in the new series).

"...Gotta run!"


  1. That is an excellent 90s Flash figure! I'm hoping that this just becomes standard for DC Mattel for articulation and included stand. I'd be much more willing to pay more for something at least this good. I'm not sure about the Linda Carter Wonder woman figure though. We'll see!

    1. The figure is quite nice, the stand is a bit big though. I really only grabbed this figure because I like the Flash so much, I probably won't collect this line regularly.


Comments will be posted after review by ISMOTU himself.