Sunday 6 May 2018

Namor the Sub-Mariner (Marvel Legends Series 6")

One of the earliest Marvel superheroes, Namor the Sub-Mariner is the half-human Prince of Atlantis first introduced by Bill Everett in 1939. As mentioned in my posts about Aquaman I've always had an affinity for undersea heroes and Namor is one of the best. His creator, Bill Everett, is one of my favourite golden age artists and though this figure goes for a more generic head sculpt there are hints of his more stylistic (and triangular headed) origins though I see a bit more of a 60's Marvel House Style influence.

Namor's been hanging out with the X-Folks for a while now and his previous Marvel Legends figure sported that outfit whereas this figure goes back to the... minimalist... outfit he's most famous for wearing. He's got nice open hands for striking swimming poses and the wings on his ankles (which are the mutation that qualifies him for X-status) are well done. The alternate bearded head is not from any Namor story I've read (usually when he sports a beard he's lost his memory and has a shaggy mane of hair too) but it could be from a more recent story I'm not familiar with. I feel like I should be saying more about this figure and Namor in general but I'm going to sign off now.

They do say swimming is a great workout.

Teeny ankle wings that make him fly somehow.

Shiny metallic fish-scale swimming briefs. So regal.

His thumb is stuck to his forefinger, eventually I got them separate but I was not as surgical as I could've been.

The Trident of Neptune!

"By the power of Neptune..."

"...I have the POWER!"

"No wait, my catch phrase is IMPERIUS REX!"

Not as mighty a beard as a certain Master of the Unknown sports (if I do say so myself)

The 90's were a beardier time for Sea Kings.

Battle for the throne of Atlantis.

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