Sunday 13 May 2018

Okoye Build-a-Figure (Marvel Legends Series 6")

So now we get to the figure that "forced" me get the entire Black Panther wave: the leader of the Dora Milaje Okoye. She is probably the most badass character in the entire movie and is just super cool. Danai Gurira portrays Okoye with strength, grace, and a deep loyalty to her country. Her scenes with W'Kabi highlight the complexity and depth of the movie. As a figure her basic design is very similar to Nakia's but does have more unique parts than I expected. Her likeness is probably the best of the unmasked figures in this wave. I'm very pleased I was able to add Okoye to my collection.

The intricate design is well done

I always like orange. Even when it's not fluorescent.

The design on her legs works better than on Nakia's bare legs.

So cool!

It took me a minute to realise this was her spear in retracted form.


Prepare to get beaten with style.

These boots were made for kickin'

High block!

"Don't freeze." "I never freeze."

This movie was SO good.

Women of Wakanda.

I would totally watch a movie focussing on any or all of these characters.

The general's garb vs. the rank-and-file uniform.


  1. Nice textures as always on that one! I like that they have the retracted and unretracted spear.

    1. Yeah I thought they were neat accessories. At first I was trying to see if they were somehow swappable spearheads but then I remembered the movie and felt dumb. She is my favourite of the Black Panther figures.


Comments will be posted after review by ISMOTU himself.