Sunday 11 February 2018

Ultimate Skeletor (Masters of the Universe Classics by Super7)

Probably the most famous villain from cartoons (at least from the 80's) Skeletor is the arch-foe of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. His bony visage haunts many a modern meme and this figure put a significant dent in my budget via a popular online auction site. I'm not the biggest Masters of the Universe fan but my interest has be piqued in the franchise over the last couple of years and I've scored a few figures from Masters of the Universe Classics that were pretty good but Skeletor has got to be the pièce de résistance of any He-Man collection.

After Mattel decided to stop producing the Masters of the Universe Classics line the folks at Super7 stepped in to continue bringing fans some awesome. They started by releasing "Ultimate" versions of He-Man, Skeletor and a few others. These are basically re-releases of the original MOTUC figures but will accessories and alternate heads culled from variant figures and were a great way for people who missed out on the earlier figures to get their hands on them. That's not to say they are easy to come by. So I was "inspired" by the new Netflix documentary series "The Toys That Made Us" to try to find this dude for a relatively reasonable price. He really is the Ultimate Skeletor.

I don't usually bother with packaging shots but I wanted to preserve this for posterity.

The is a fun "faux mini-comic" card.

Here's more info about Skeletor than I could tell you.

This Skeletor comes with three different heads and as such I decided to divide this post accordingly. First up the standard MOTUC head which is an homage to the original Skeletor figure from 1982.

Classic Skelly.


...and Bones!

Naturally you'll want leather pteruges over your furry briefs. Naturally.

The evilest feet.

Shoulder armour.

Furry/spiky/I don't know forearms.

Beware the Havoc Staff!



Sword of Power.

Dance the jig of despair.

Same sword?

NOPE! This is a half sword that can combine with He-Man's half.
(I think this is from the mini-comics)

"Now *I* have the power!"

"Why don't I hear the theme tune?"

Lookin' bad-ass.

"Curse you He-Man!"

Next up we have the head of Keldor, Skeletor's original identity. Anything I could say about him is better said on the bio card.
"I'm a prince or something."

A beard this pointy is ever a sign of evil.

Skeletor's really just mourning the loss of these luscious locks.

I saved my favourite for last. This head is based on Alfredo Alcala's art in the original mini-comics. There is also a sword that matches the art from the comics rather than the actual toys/the cartoon. I love the more horrific edge to this Skeletor. It's grislier but doesn't go too far.

What you get when the artist has to work from non-final designs.


"I can wear a cape too!"

"Look ma, two swords!"

"I have you now you muscle-bound oaf!"

Battle with Lord Masque (from the cartoon)

Clashing with Geldor.

(a DEEP cut from the mini-comics)

These last shots were taken with all the lights off and only the flash. I'm not sure what I was going for here. The faces are not actually glow in the dark or anything but the paint looks like it almost could be.


  1. That is a sweet rendition of Skeletor. Nice having a nostalgia figure that has more articulation than the older one! The extra faces are a really nice touch.

    1. Yeah, I'm quite happy with this figure which I'm relieved about because he was NOT cheap.


Comments will be posted after review by ISMOTU himself.