Aquaman, King of the Seven Seas. This version of Aquaman is straight out of the 90's. After the successful reboots of Superman and Wonder Woman in the wake of Crisis on Infinite Earths DC Comics worked through their roster of heroes tweaking and reimagining for a bold new era. Aquaman eventually got his turn from writer Peter David who wrote the well received "Atlantis Chronicles" showing the history of the underwater kingdom as well as the "Time & Tide" miniseries which set the stage for this new take on Aquaman. Having lost his hand to piranhas while fighting a super-villain, Aquaman replaces it with a harpoon (initially the harpoon that killed his adoptive dolphin mother, it reads better in comics form). Aquaman has long been one of my favourites and I enjoy this incarnation for all his brooding and surliness.

Long luxurious locks |
Grumpmaster General |
It's a harpoon not a hook |
Pretty much the classic Aqua-trousers but with the fish scales he used to wear on his shirt. |
Aquaman! Swift and Powerful Monarch of the Ocean! |
The now obscure Aqua-twins. |
He's full of 90's 'tude. |
This is the most sad looking, went-through-a-bad-time Aquaman ever, but he's awesome. Feels more piratey though, and less Kingly!
ReplyDeleteI think the writer was going for a "Conan the Barbarian underwater" type vibe.