Saturday 8 July 2017

Nightbeat Deluxe Class Figure (Generations Thrilling 30)

Nightbeat is obsessed with mystery and is Cybertron's greatest detective. His character was popular in the Transformers comics penned by Simon Furman. This figure is a redeco of the Thrilling 30 Bumblebee figure with a new head. I would've liked to see a new chest piece that better resembled his distinctive G1 look. When this figure was originally announced he appeared to be a redeco of the "Special Ops Jazz" mould. To differentiate him from Bumblebee I took a few shots with his doors facing down in robot mode. I stole this idea from somewhere online but for the life of me I can't remember where. (Oh wait it was David Willis, isn't it always?)

Robot Mode

"I never looked this much like Bumblebee before"

My heart says go but my knees flash stop

One of the dumber-looking Transformers weapons...

...though points for trying to be original.

Though "stinger blasters" made more sense for the 'Bee.

"Have you ever fired your gun whist jumping through the air?"

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"

Will that "Hot Fuzz" reference ever get old?

Probably not.

"Now I look slightly more different than Bumblebee"

"My sensors detect a mystery!"

This looks like it was designed for light-piping that never was...

Vehicle Mode


Pew pew!



  1. I like this one, despite redeco and "icicle" canon! Also, the thought of a detective transformer seems cool to me.

    1. Redeco doesn't always = bad. I do like him. Nightbeat was one of those lower tier characters who got to shine in the comics because no one was paying attention. Also he was good in the comic "Transformers: More than Meets the Eye" which is THE Transformers comic to check out if you're going to check out any.


Comments will be posted after review by ISMOTU himself.