Wednesday 12 July 2017

Lion-O (Thundercats Classics)

Lion-O is the leader of the Thundercats. As the prince of Thundera he is whisked off planet before it is destroyed. Their spaceship crashes on Third Earth and Lion-O must learn to wield the Sword of Omens and fulfil his destiny as the Lord of the Thundercats and protect his people from the machinations of Mumm-Ra. Thundercats Classics is the short lived follow-up to Mattel's Masters of the Universe Classics. The articulation is the same and the sculpting and painting is superb. Unfortunately the future of this line is very up-in-the-air and only the first wave has been produced.


Is this a severed hand that's been hollowed out?







Inspirado clip



"En Garde"

"Sword of Omens! Give me sight-beyond-sight!"

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Perfect cartoon look! I hope they make more of the line. I like that they included both the shortened blade and the full sword of omens. Hopefully sales of the line so far would have given Mattel the bank they need to keep going.


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