Sunday 12 April 2020

Klingon Vor'cha Attack Cruiser (Eaglemoss Collectibles)

The Next Generation introduced this new ship class for the Kingon Empire as the flagship for Chancellor K'mpec. It's a very neat evolution from the original series battle cruisers and looks cool. 

These little models are very detailed but don't have any articulation or anything to discuss. They also are difficult for a novice like me to photograph particularly well. But I loves me some Star Trek and TNG is where it all started for me so here we go.

"Klingon vessel decloaking!"
Yeah...that's why it's so fuzzy looking.

Mega-sized disruptor.

New warp nacelles with red bits like on Starfleet ships.

Symbol of the Klingon Empire.

Maybe the name of the ship? I'm sure I could look it up but I don't really want to find a Klingon translator.

The underside of the ship.

Bottom of the flight stand.

Though never seen onscreen the front section is supposed to be able to separate like the saucer section of the Enterprise-D.

Two flagships, preparing for the Rite of Ascension. 

1 comment:

  1. Pretty extraordinary detail on these tiny things!


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