Sunday 26 January 2020

Samurai Raphael (Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012)

Next up in the Samurai series of Ninja Turtles is Raphael! The cool but rude hotheaded brother comes with a helmet and mask like the others and is armed with a pair of sai. The weapons, head, and helmet crest are all that really separate one turtle from another.

Eerie smile. There's no mirth in those bared teeth.

That knot doesn't look quite right to me. But I'm not sure that it's not just a different style.

Turtle tootsies.

Gloves that look like oven mitts.

I'm having a shell of a time thinking of a half-shell joke...

Simple swooshy crest.

Red dragon face.

Now with tassels!

These sai almost look more like Klingon D'k tahg.



Brotherly trio.

with Usagi.

"Outta my way!"

"Raph's in charge now!"

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