Sunday 20 March 2016

David's Tea Pistachio Ice Cream Black Tea

I love pistachio flavoured desserts. It started with pistachio pudding from when I was a kid but has expanded to all things pistachio as an adult. That's why when Mrs. ISMOTU wanted to try this new black tea from David's Tea I was all about it.

So here we go into the second ever review of a black tea on this blog.
Apple, almonds, pistachios, sweet blackberry leaves, natural and artificial flavourings blend with the black tea to create this delicious treat on a sunny Sunday afternoon. I'm watching some more Kamen Rider 555, a show where the heroes' armour motifs are based on letters from the Greek alphabet. I'm getting to the point in the show where the secondary rider is being introduced which is always fun.

The nutty aroma is inviting and the taste is smooth and not too sweet.  I find the pistachio and almond flavours merge to give a general nuttiness and I question why they felt the need to add "ice cream" to the name. Maybe just to remind people that tea has almost no calories so neurotic weight watchers can try to trick themselves into calling this an ice cream replacement.   I understand marketing is a necessary part of every business venture and not all of it is directed toward me but I do cringe or groan and a lot of the blurbs on not only David's Tea packages but most consumer products.

I am amazed at how versatile dried apples seem to be in the world of tea. They show up in many blends and often only impart a subtle sweetness to compliment the other flavours. I wonder if the pistachios and almonds would have been overwhelmed by the bitterness of the black tea without the presence of the apple and blackberry leaves, of course the additional flavourings probably boost their strength.

Mrs. ISMOTU likes this one so much she thinks it might be in her faves list, I enjoyed it quite a lot but I don't know that it impressed me as much.  Definitely a nice compliment to my lunch of toast with peanut butter and jam, and my crazy Japanese superhero shows.

For more info follow the link:

1 comment:

  1. This reader talkin', and I find that the mix of green ice cream black tea and crazy Japanese superhero shows merge to give a general nuttiness.

    Also, interesting about apples, could it be filler like in almost all juices, or does it have an important role in this tea?


Comments will be posted after review by ISMOTU himself.