Sunday 24 March 2019

Captain Bucky O'Hare (Boss Fight Studios)

Bucky O'Hare is the Captain of the "Righteous Indignation" and the animated series was a favourite of mine as a kid. I later discovered the original comics by Larry Hama and Michael Golden. This giant green space rabbit was the figurehead for the fight against the encroaching Toad Empire.

Boss Fight Studios has done a pretty good job on these figures and I hope they get to produce the entire cast. I've got a few more so keep an eye out for those in the near-ish future.

As good a bio as I'd write.

I don't ever recall him actually wearing those goggles.

Those gorgeous eyes look like they jumped off a page of Michael Golden's artwork.

Epaulets with rank insignia presumably?

Studded belt.

The cape is really rubbery so it can be a bit tricky to peg into the hole in the back but once it's in there it stays pretty well.

I believe this is the emblem for S.P.A.C.E. (Sentient Protoplasm Against Colonial Encroachment)

Green little cottontail...

...and it's articulated.

"Let's croak some toads!"

Determined facial expression.
The face plates are a bit tricky to switch at first but it got easier over the course of this photoshoot.

Ski stride.

Open mouth face

Pointy finger.

Crouching rabbit, jumping ray gun.

Jazz hand.

Probably not the best way to wear the blasters on his belt...




Bunny kick!

1 comment:

  1. Love that Boss Fight Studios took this on. I also loved the cartoon as a kid, and didn't even know until this post about the comic. It looks like it takes on the feel of the original toy but adds quite a bit! Awesome awesome awesome.


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