Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Jace, Jan, & Blip (World's Greatest Heroes!)

So Space Ghost's companions are the teenage twins Jan and Jace along with their pet monkey Blip. They live on the Ghost Planet and ride around in the Phantom Cruiser helping Space Ghost to dispense justice throughout the galaxy. And by helping I mean getting into trouble somehow and needing Space Ghost to rescue them. Though occasionally they could be halfway competent.

These figures are done in the style of the classic Mego dolls from the 1970's which were among the first superhero actions figures at one point Mego had licensed both Marvel and DC's superheroes (a very rare occurence indeed). At any rate Jan and Jace have the basics in terms of articulation. Jan's knees are a little loose and her high heeled boots are not the best for posing. In the cartoons she wore more sensible footwear.

I bought this set because I figured if you have Space Ghost you might as well have his companions.
Their uniforms are pretty well done even though Jace's pant legs keep popping out of his boots. The faces are on model for the cartoons and on the whole this set is a fun retro throwback to days of toys past.

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Space Ghost (Jazwares)

SPAAAAAACE GHOOOOOSSSST! This figure is from 2012 and has fairly limited articulation. His right hand is moulded to be pressing buttons on his power band but sadly the arms can't reach that position. But he was the best Space Ghost option around when I stumbled upon him at a comic book store somewhere (I think). At any rate he's fun though hard to photograph because of the white body but black head. Even in the cartoon they knew this would be an issue and so he has a yellow line around his head whenever he was in space. I didn't see Space Ghost much as a kid but since I loved other Hanna-Barbera shows it was inevitable that I'd come to love the spectral guardian of the spaceways eventually.

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Firestorm (DC Total Heroes)

Firestorm is a nuclear powered superhero made up of two people fused together in a nuclear accident. For a more in-depth history of Firestorm you can read this post. I like Firestorm a lot and was glad to be able to pick this figure up a few years after it was released.

This is a Total Heroes Ultra figure and comes with a bunch more accessories. The alternate heads represent the various forms of Firestorm from the New 52 series "The Fury of Firestorm: the Nuclear Men." You've got the classic Ronnie Raymond head, the Jason Rusch head in his yellow costume, and the combined monstrous form dubbed Fury. But my favourite is the disembodied Martin Stein head that pegs into Firestorm's back.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Gipsy Avenger (Robot Damashii)

Gipsy Avenger is the successor to the first film's Gipsy Danger and is piloted by Stacker Pentecost's son Jake. Despite being the main heroic mecha Gipsy Avenger is not my favourite. The design is good and a reasonable extrapolation of Gipsy Danger's look but doesn't blow me away. This figure however is awesome. I'm sounding like a broken record but I really was quite impressed with the Robot Damashii articulation and engineering. Gipsy Avenger comes with a chain sword like his predecessor had and his Gravity Sling arm cannon. They look pretty sweet.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Titan Redeemer (Robot Damashii)

Titan Redeemer's claim to fame is his spiky ball of death hand. He comes with a miniature Scrapper figure. The articulation is as great as the other Robot Damashii figures I've featured. The shoulder pads are rubbery and flexible so they don't really hinder arm articulation. He definitely looks like the big bruiser he's supposed to be.

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Obsidian Fury (Robot Damashii)

Obsidian Fury was an antagonistic Jaeger in the film Pacific Rim: Uprising. He's sleek and menacing. The all black colour scheme could be boring but the translucent orange in the faceplate and the plasma chainsaws really pop. As is well known I'm a sucker for orange.

Out of the package the shoulder pads are nice and flush with the rest of the body but that doesn't make for fun posing. After messing around for a bit I was able to get them more or less back in place. The articulation on these Robot Damashii figures is awesome and makes my wallet glad I'm not into Gundam.

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Stinger (Marvel Legends Series)

Capping off Ant-Man Family Week is one of my favourite characters actually.

Back in 1998 Marvel started publishing adventures of an alternate future world where Peter Parker and Mary Jane's teenage daughter May began adventuring as Spider-Girl. This was one of the first comics I seriously collected and soon they spun off titles featuring the Fantastic Five, J2 (Son of Juggernaut), and A-Next (the Next Generation of Avengers). Cassie Lang joined this new team of Avengers as the sensational Stinger. I voraciously collected all the MC2 titles and Stinger was a great character. She had a connection to the Fantastic Five from her father's stint with Marvel's first family in the early '90s and wore that striking lavender costume with confidence. In the mainstream comics at that time Cassie was still portrayed as a younger adolescent, not yet even a teen so this was a fun glimpse of what was to come.

Eventually she aged in the main timeline and joined the Young Avengers as "Stature" then some bad stuff happened but she eventually got better and in the pages of the more recent Ant-Man series (I'm sounding like a broken record but they're damn good comics) she uses a new app called "Hench" to regain her powers despite its shady reputation and we finally get the debut of Stinger in the "present."

Unfortunately this figure doesn't "stand up" to my high expectations. For whatever reason I had a really hard time getting Cassie to stand without falling over. Marvel Legends still hasn't quite figured out female bodies yet I guess? Okoye and Nakia didn't have this problem. Oh well I'm still pumped to have a new Stinger figure (the last one came out in 1999 and is boxed up at my dad's place).

The Astonishing Ant-Man (Marvel Legends Series)

To wrap up Ant-Man Family week I figured I'd end with the most familial characters. Marvel Legends has released a Toys'r'us exclusive two pack of Scott Lang in his modern costume with his daughter Cassie in her MC2 Stinger costume.

At the beginning of this week I mentioned how I liked this Ant-Man costume a lot and this figure does it more justice than the smaller Avengers dude. The details are a bit sharper and there's just more paint. Plus the articulation is significantly better, though it's nice to have a shrinking guy in different scales. Makes for some fun photos. Come back later today (like in 2 hours) for Stinger!

Friday, 10 August 2018

Wasp "Ant-Man & the Wasp" Costume (Marvel Legends Series)

The Wasp was probably my favourite character in "Ant-Man & the Wasp." Evangeline Lilly portrayed Hope Van Dyne as a strong, capable butt-kicker who understood the amazing possibilities of size-changing superpowers.

This figure was the one I was really looking for over Ant-Man but I found him first. Luckily I was able to acquire her at the mall after a recent haircut. Her suit looks pretty good. It still fits in with the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe style and I'm glad she got her own colour scheme so as to not look as much like an offshoot Ant-Man. Again I'm floored by the likeness on the unmasked head. I was mentioning to Mrs. ISMOTU that my Magneto figure from the first X-Men film did not really look much like Ian McKellen.  Stay tuned for a DOUBLE update tomorrow!

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Ant-Man "Ant-Man & the Wasp" Costume (Marvel Legends Series)

So I was able to track down the Marvel Legends movie Ant-Man figure in his new suit from "Ant-Man & the Wasp." I like the film, it was definitely a sequel and lower stakes than "Infinity War" but you can't have reality in peril every time. This movie was a lot of fun and I quite enjoyed it. It continues the visual creativity of shrinking and give us another trippy look at the Quantum Realm.

Honestly I might've passed on this figure were it not for the unmasked Scott Lang head that has Paul Rudd pulling a silly face. The detail is amazing and the facial expression looks natural. Otherwise the costume has the typical MCU design elements that seem a bit busy to me generally. The articulation is standard but his accessory count is nil. Come back tomorrow to see Ant-Man's arguably more capable partner the Wonderful Wasp.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Yellowjacket (Marvel Infinite Series 3.75")

Hank Pym has a history of mental instability. The price of genius I guess. After some kind of psychotic break Pym created the identity of Yellowjacket. It's an interesting departure from his Ant-Man/Giant-Man/Goliath looks. This figure seems to be the same base as Ant-Man but with a different head and added shoulder "wings." In this suit he included the bio-electric stings he gave the Wasp. It's fun even if a bit more generic superhero.

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

The Wasp (Marvel Infinite Series 3.75")

Janet Van Dyne is the Wonderful Wasp. She's Hank Pym's partner is shrinking, a founding member of the Avengers, and quite possibly the superhero with the most different costumes over the years. This outfit is from the mid-2000's. It's a sleek gold and black number that hints at her insectoid alter ego but doesn't really pop as an awesome costume. It's certainly not her worst, just not very memorable. I think I picked up this figure because it was beside Ant-Man and I had the thought "you shouldn't really have Ant-Man without the Wasp." My brain hates my wallet sometimes.  She's a perfectly good little Marvel Universe/Marvel Infinite figure who doesn't suffer from stupidly skinny limbs like some female figures do at larger scales.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Ant-Man (Marvel Infinite Series 3.75")

Here's Ant-Man in his classic costume. I bought this guy to represent two different dudes under the helmet. First he's obviously Hank Pym, the man who invented the shrinking and growing technology used in the Marvel Universe. There was also a brief time when the "Irredeemable Ant-Man" Eric O'Grady sported this look when serving with the original incarnation of Secret Avengers. Oh and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that this is the outfit Scott Lang originally stole from Pym to embark on his superheroic career.

Obviously the helmet's antennae were omitted because they would just get deformed or broken too easily at this scale. The only other real difference between this figure and the comics is the lack of Pym particle shrinking and growing gas capsules on his belt. Funnily enough the shrunken Ant-Man included does have them. Weird.

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Ant-Man (Marvel Avengers)

I saw "Ant-Man & the Wasp" opening weekend and it was lots of fun and it so happens that I have a few Ant-Man related figures to spotlight so this is beginning of Ant-Man Family Week.
Scott Lang is the second hero to call himself Ant-Man and the character chosen to star in the Ant-Man film. He's worked with the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, he died for a while but then came back and this costume is his current one. It's a nice mix of modern and classic design elements. The Ant-Man comic in which this costume debuted was a lot of fun so I have some added affection for it.

This Avengers line is perhaps sort of tied in with the current Avengers cartoon. I'm not sure, I haven't been keeping up with that one. The scale and articulation is comparable to the Guardians of the Galaxy Animated toyline. So he only has about 7 point of articulation but he's great for being ant-sized. If I'd known Marvel Legends was releasing a two-pack with this Ant-Man costume and Cassie Lang as Stinger in her MC2 outfit (more on that in the future) I'd probably just skipped him but he wasn't very expensive. Plus cool little ant guy.