Choujuu Sentai Liveman was the 1988 Super Sentai series. The team is comprised of students from Academia Island who must defend the world from their former classmates who have joined Armed Brain Army Volt and want to wipe out the inferior minds of humanity (ie. everyone but them).
The outer box that houses all three Battle Machines. |
Live Robo is made up of the Skymachine, Landmachine, and Aquamachine which were also known as Jet Falcon, Land Lion, and Aqua Dolphin. I've only watched the first bit of Liveman at this point but it's pretty entertaining and full of ridiculous 80's fashion and classic Super Sentai action.
Liveman are headquartered in an underwater base "Gran Tortoise" which launches the "Machine Buffalo" to carry the mecha into battle. These types of carrier mecha were much more common in earlier Sentai but eventually the mega mecha would be able to combine with the others for EVEN. BIGGER. 'BOTS.
Most Sentai stuff you get is either for the currently airing series or from the post-Zyuranger/Power Ranger era. I definitely appreciate that Super Mini-pla is going back further into Super Sentai history.
The box for each mecha is identical aside from the bottom caption box showing which one is inside. |
Apparently the Super Mini-pla line is fastidiously recreating the original box design of the larger vintage toys. A neat idea but one that holds no actual nostalgia for me. |