Sunday, 29 April 2018

Black Bolt (Marvel Legends Series 6")

Black Bolt is the King of the city of Attilan and the Inhumans. Every Inhuman undergoes the Terrigenesis process to unlock their genetic potential. Blackagar Boltagon was imbued with a supremely destructive voice that has caused him to take a vow of silence lest he destroy his kingdom.

This is a pretty average Marvel Legends figure. The wing bits are not the best but also a notoriously tricky thing to do, especially at this price point. I like the Inhumans just fine but Black Bolt wasn't the figure I HAD to have from this wave. He came with her left leg. I like the Inhumans largely due to their Kirby-tastic designs and their relative obscurity but the recent stuff done with them in the Marvel Cinematic Universe didn't thrill me. If this figure had come out when I was 14 I'd have been more into it but now it's only ok.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Killmonger (Marvel Legends Series 6")

"Killmonger" is the nickname Erik Stevens picked up as a particularly lethal US Special Forces Operative. The Wakandan originally known as N'Jadaka is probably the one villain in the MCU to give Loki a run for his money. In the comics N'Jadaka's father was killed by Ulysses Klaw and the boy was kidnapped and ended up in Harlem (because that's where black people are in the early 70's) where he took the name "Erik Kilmonger" eventually being brought back to Wakanda by T'Challa whom he promptly tries to kill. Repeatedly. And actually comes pretty darn close to success on a few occasions. Killmonger is a great villain in the comics though his look is not one that would translate well to modern movie audiences. That's probably why he ends up in a different version of T'Challa's suit, which was the only concern I had going into the film. That like Iron Man and Ant Man before, the villain would end up being just a boring "opposite number" to the hero. But Michael B. Jordan's performance as well as the terrific storytelling from director Ryan Coogler made any uncertainty evaporate fairly quickly. This figure was one I was also a little hesitant about because I thought oh it's basically just a repaint of T'Challa. But once again I was proven wrong. The detailing and subtle paintwork on this figure really give it its own character and it has all of the great articulation the Black Panther did plus some pointy things to fight with.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Black Panther Movie Version (Marvel Legends Series 6")

The King of Wakanda, T'Challa. Right off the screen he leaps with cat-like grace and agility. Actor Chadwick Boseman brings the Black Panther to life with charm, wit, and general kickassery. I thought this figure might be boring with the monochrome colour scheme but much like the movie was awesome this figure is pretty great. The highlights pop nicely and the articulation allows for some great feline poses.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Nakia (Marvel Legends Series 6")

Nakia is another of the butt-kicking women from Wakanda who helps to elevate "Black Panther" to the next level of superhero movie awesomeness.
Though she has a namesake in the comics her character in the movie is basically new. She's decked out in the uniform of the Dora Milaje though she's not strictly speaking a member of that order. Lupita Nyong'o portrays Nakia in the film as the best love interest the MCU has seen thus far but she's so much more than that. She is a fierce, competent, warrior and spy who is awesome. Okoye and Shuri might edge her out as my favourites but she's no slouch.

I'm not normally someone who chases the build-a-figures (I think I have one other one from a DCUC wave) but the Black Panther wave sucked me in with the chance for an Okoye figure. What really pushed me over the edge though was the fact that I didn't have to buy the Iron Man and he was the figure I really didn't care about so double win!

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Shuri (Black Panther 5.5")

One of the breakout characters in the excellent Black Panther movie is T'Challa's younger sister Shuri.

In the comics Shuri took over the mantle of Black Panther for a time, and during that time I wasn't really paying attention to Black Panther comics. I have the entire series from the late 90's/early 00's written by Christopher Priest and loved it. But I'll get back to him later.

Shuri was a super fun kickass part of the movie and though I'm writing this only a week after I saw the movie it won't be posted until about a month later. Still, I don't want to give too much away about the movie. Just go see it already.