Ok it's a new year and time for a new series of blog posts. In addition to eating cheese and drinking tea I also have a fairly substantial action figure collection and I finally decided to bite the bullet and share it with the world (or at least the subset of the world that happens to stumble upon this blog).
In past posts I've talked about my love of "genre" fiction which just might be the worst name ever. My pop culture interests tend to reside in the sci-fi/fantasy/super-hero milieu and such is my collection.
I'm just going to randomly post pictures of the various displays around my house. As the seasons or my moods change I rearrange my shelves and will start sharing new pics when that occurs. (I have become one of those nerds whose collection has indeed outstripped his living space but I have an understanding and wonderful spouse)
Without further ado I give you the first installment of "Collection Corner" or "Sharing Shelves" if you like.
This is my cabinet of curious collectibles which lives in the corner of my living room
Apologies for the lighting, I didn't think this post through very well, the rest of the pictures were taken earlier in the day |